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Why Most People Hate Divorce Lawyers

Divorce lawyers are generally not well liked and sometimes for good reason. Here are the top five reasons why I think lawyers get a bad rap with the public. They think they are entitled to be late to appointments because their time is more important than everyone else’s time. They don’t call people back or … Continue reading

Amendment One: How does it affect my dying wishes?

The media is abuzz with speculations about how amendment one will change laws for homosexual couples in North Carolina. There are no clear answers and a lot of debate. An area of sensitivity revolves around dying wishes. Now that Amendment One has passed, can my (same-sex) partner make those decisions related to my last wishes … Continue reading

Sticks and Stones may break your bones: The problem with marital property

The ink on the marriage license is barely dry and the next step for most couples is to buy a home together. So, what happens when happily ever after becomes more like nightmare before Christmas and you’re signing divorce papers? Sure, if you are pleasant and agreeable (not usual) you can avoid equitable distribution, and … Continue reading

Oops! My marriage was a mistake. . .

“Oops! My marriage was a mistake and I just want to have it annulled.” Truth is there are only a few instances where this is actually going to work out in favor of the annulment. Some questions to ask yourself. • Were either of you still married to someone else at the time of the … Continue reading

Requirements for Divorce in N.C.

You can get a divorce in N.C. if you have been separated from your spouse for at least one year and at least one of you has lived in N.C. for the last 6 months. Remember that getting a divorce does end all rights to have marital property divided and it also ends any claims … Continue reading

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